Tuesday, January 11, 2011

LOVE is the KEY!

Happy New Year! I hope your year is off to a magnificent start! There is a great wave of momentum that ushers in a new year that we can use to our advantage. I wanted to share with you some words of wisdom and a few self-empowerment resources that can help to inspire, support and guide you to reap the blessings of all of your desired intentions, goals and dreams!

Love is the source of all life. When we strive to make love the foundation for all of our choices, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. As we travel through a never ending process of becoming, we awaken to deeper realizations of who we truly are at the core. Setting the intention to make it our primary focus to connect with the source of our inner divine nature, we return to the knowing of the one true source, the source of all life. The heart is the doorway that bridges heaven and earth. Paying attention to love, thinking loving thoughts, feeling love throughout every pore of our being allows us to fully embody our unlimited potential to radiate the highest vibration possible and it is available to you….right here in this moment. Choose love! Be an expression of love right now…. make it the basis for all of your choices today!

Every morning when I wake up, I consciously tune into my inner source. The above passage is the wisdom that surfaced into my awareness as I gentle rose to greet this day. I intuitively feel that 2011 is all about awakening to the deeper wisdom of the heart. When we reside in this loving sacred space we become crystal clear about who we really are and our purpose in life. Developing heart centeredness in which we consciously live, breathe and create from this space allows us to maintain our peace, strength and grace in the midst of chaos or uncertainty. The more we dwell in the love that is present in our heart the more we feel more vitally alive, emotionally balanced, psychologically stable, and compelled to express our truth authentic selves into the word through divinely inspired action.

I would like to invite you to become a member of our beloved community “Get Out of Your Mind, Get Into Your Heart!”

Right now I am offering a 2 Week Free Trial Membership that will give you immediate access to hours and hours of our recorded group coaching calls, guided meditations, intentional scrapbooking tutorials, and a wide variety of other self-empowerment tools. I am going to be making this offer available to you until the 18th of this month.


Starting in February, we will be focusing on getting clear about our purpose in life, identifying our unique strengths, talents and passions and putting them to use in the world in some way so that we begin to live with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.

I would like to recommend 2 wonderful books being released today!

Marci Shimoff’s “Love For No Reason”

The breakthrough approach in this book will help you reset your "love set point" as easily as you reset a thermostat. You'll automatically turn up the heat on giving, receiving -- and accepting -- more love and abundant blessings in your life. You'll be able to:
• Open your heart fully and experience deep love from the inside, even in the midst of challenges.
• Enjoy more fulfilling relationships with others AND with yourself.
• Turn off your body's stress response and turn on your body's "love response" for better health and well-being.
• Experience greater success and satisfaction.
• Help your family, community, and the world.

Joan Borysenko “Take the Journey from Fried to Revived!”

You may think that you're depressed, but there's a good chance that you're burning out and need greater awareness of what's happening to you and what you can do to come back to life again. Revival from burnout is always about the recovery of lost authenticity. It’s waking up to who we really are and realizing that heaven is not a destination, but a state of mind. If being fried can bring us to the point where we reconnect to our own true nature, then it’s worth every moment of separation to rediscover the heaven that has been inside of us all along.

May 2011 be filled with ever increasing moments of unconditional love and joy! You deserve it!